Honestly, I have friends that I would love to play this game with. It might have been a moment of bad hit detection, or a ping spike, or the enemy had high level armor, or the enemy was using medikits, or the enemy was experienced and knew they would come around that corner.

When most people are saying there are hackers all over the place, they're really just expressing their frustration with bad game experiences. three? And of those three, I'm only fairly sure that one was actually hacking. I have personally only encountered maybe. While encounters with hackers do happen, they are detected and dealt with. I'm actually surprised you didn't mention seeing topics about how there are supposedly trillions of hackers in this game.

I will admit there have been some issues that Survarium really shouldn't be having at this stage, but fixes generally get rolled out soon after. If this was a released game, it probably wouldn't take me long to give up on it. As with any Early Access game on Steam, there is a huge box that tells you that means the game is still being developed. I'm going to go ahead and get one glaring fact out of the way right here: Survarium is an Early Access title. There are also boosts that you can purchase in the cash shop, but those only affect progress and therefore don't apply to the p2w arguments. The "free" weapons you can randomly pick up after a match have the potential to beat anything you've spent money on. For a game to be p2w, there needs to be a legitimate competitive advantage over other players that can only be obtained through spending real money. If someone says a game is just "bad", ignore them and look for someone with an actual reason. I've seen many posts just like yours and it usually stems from people not actually knowing what they're talking about, so I'll try to fill you (and anyone else who might come across this) in. Unfortunately, the negative perspectives are the most vocal.